Observation on Teacher of BSU-Secondary Laboratory School

Good Day!

Hello, friends!
On today post I'll share to you about my experience in observation week. For your information, in this SEA Teacher program, we have to do the observation of the school, pedagogical contents in the school, and the way the teachers here teach their students.

Planning for Teaching

The first step to know about planning for teaching is knowing the materials that we want to teach and always remember what materials the students have learned before. On SLS, I observe two teachers. One of them is Ma'am Cuadra, which is also my mentor during my stay in this school. The other one is Ma'am Kristine Dela Cruz. Both of them teach different subject. Ma'am Cuadra teach ARAL-PAN or Social Study and Economy, while Ma'am Kristine teach about World History. The teachers in BSU-SLS, especially those who I observed plan their lesson plan based on K-12 curriculum that has been applied in the Philippines for years.

The lesson plan used for teaching should follow the learning competency on K-12 curriculum and the materials or topics should make based on that curriculum also. Beside that, we should know students' characteristics so we can find a suitable method and media in order to teach them. Motivation in teaching should be planned perfectly, because the class situation in the entire learning process sometimes depend on the motivation as the beginning of the class.

Preparing Lessons and Materials

The teachers that I observed before used the different source of materials. One of them prepare a power point to teach, and the other one prepare a module or a worksheet. It's actually depend on the teacher's lesson plan. Sometimes both of them use the power point, sometimes use module, or both of them. 

Even though the material resources is different, both of the teacher that I observed used the same direct learning method and conduct a class discussion so that the students will be participating in the lesson of the day.

Ma'am Cuadra use the LCD Projector to present and explain the lesson

Teaching in Class

The teachers that I observed have the same way to teach the students. First of all, they always greet the students when enter the class. Then the teachers ask the student for praying, followed by memorize verse of Bible. Then they will say thank you and start the lesson with review of the last topic that they already teach to the students. 

The review part is important because it can make the student remember again about their last topic they've learned before. After the review, Ma'am Cuadra give the students motivation, for example ask the student to point the continents in the world through the world map. While Ma'am Kristine ask the student to play something like 'snow ball throwing' to introduce the lesson.

The students were praying in Ma'am Cuadra's class

Ma'am Kristine start the class with game to review

During the lesson, the teachers usually make the correlation of today's topic to their daily life and ask the student to analyze it together. With this kind of teaching method, the student will be critically thinking oriented. 

Measurement and Evaluation

For the evaluation, the teachers use rubrics rating scale to make evaluation toward the students. A scoring rubric is an attempt to communicate expectations of quality around a task. A scoring rubric can also provide a basis for self-evaluation, reflection, and peer review. It is aimed at accurate and fair assessment, fostering understanding, and indicating a way to proceed with subsequent learning/teaching. In the end of the lesson, sometimes the teachers give the students assessment and/or assignment to the students in order to measure the students' understanding on the lesson. 


Here's the examples of lesson plan of Economics in BSU-SLS
