About Me

Hi, Friends!

On today's post I will introduce myself (as a requirement) to make my blog kinda like user friendly..
No, I was joking

You know, Indonesian proverb said that "tak kenal, maka tak sayang"  or if I translate it to English would be "do not know, then do not love". This proverb mean, if the people don't know the other people, then they can't love or like each other. 

So, in order to like me or at least, to like my posts, you better know about me 

My name is Ika Sakti Wulandari. I was born in Banjarmasin, October 16, 1997. I have three younger brothers, they are still studying like me. My parents consist of one Dad and one Mom. I and my family are came from Java ethnic or Javanese. But we lived here in Banjarmasin since my parents works here.

I'm currently studying in Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), located in Banjarmasin city, South Kalimantan island. My major is Economics Education, but I'm focusing in Business Management section. I'm an active member of Lambung Mangkurat Debate Society (LMDS), which is an English debate organization. My hobbies are singing, dancing (zumba), and reading. Oh ya, I'm also collecting comics since I was in my second year of junior high school. I also like to learn a new language, new culture. I've been studying Japanese by myself since I was in junior high school. 

Yup! I think that's enough for my introduction
If you want to know me more, you can read my post titled come closer in here
You can also know about the reason why I named my blog as oguramatcha in here
If you think this introduction is not enough, you can simply reach me on:
- Facebook : Ika Sakti Wulandari
- Instagram: ika_monogakari

Okay, enough for today post
Thank you for reading until the end
Have a nice day!
